Amitabh Bachchan is in quite an upbeat mood as the year 2009 comes to an end. The happiness stems from the success of ‘Paa' his last release for the year with beta Abhishek Bachchan. "What a fantastic gift our well-wishers have given us. Our home production Paa is doing very well. And we have a lot to be thankful for."
In the same breath he reveals his New Year wishes, "In the new year the entire Bachchan family is hoping to do the kind of work that would please the audience and carry the company forward."
Not only on the work front but the family has lots of New Year wishes for everybody. "May 2010 being peace and wellbeing. May it fill us with pride as a nation. May our glory spread further. May we progress in all walks of life.
And may the year keep me alive to witness the country, the film industry and my family prosper and progress! What do I look forward to in the coming year? I want the year to pass peacefully. I am looking forward to each day" concludes Mr. Bachchan.
As for investigative shows CID is still going great guns and continues to impress audience. Sahara One's ‘Mr. and Mrs. Mishra' has pulled up its sleeves to attract audience with its share of crime solving cases.
As the year came to a close ‘Raaz Pichle Janam Ka' and ‘Bigg Boss 3' had caught the fancy of the viewers. While ‘Big Boss 3' was eagerly awaited due to Amitabh Bachchan and the finale saw Vindu Dara Singh as the winner, ‘Raaz ...' caught the attention of all due to its past life regression therapy which everyone found very interesting.
Here, comes the end of year 2009 and TV made the audience sit glued to their sets it with its colorful shows on different subjects, whether fiction or reality. So, less tears rolled down the viewer's cheek and audience loved it all the way!
Saturday, January 02, 2010 11:32 IST